O'C songs
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Break Over Me by Loose Goose
This album was born out of a collaboration between myself and Carolyn Stilwell (the one with the great voice) and was meant for the churched to give away to seeking friends. In that context it has done very well considering we hardly performed live. So far we've sold or given away around 4,000 units but it cost more than that and we are still paying off the loan.
The music is high quality with some tracks having a real mystic Celtish feel and others more bluesy and still others that capture precious moments of drawing close to God. Yes it's a serious album for those serious times in your life !
We had some top U.K. musicians in on this and
the album was the last one produced by Martin Smith
before he decided to get out there with his group 'Delirious'.
I wrote or co-wrote 8 of the 11 tracks
To sample any song just click on the titles below. . . .
To order the C.D. please go to the . .
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6/. I Could Sing of Your Love Forever
I made this album while I attended St.
Barnabas Church in West Kensington, London U.K. in 1995.
Check out what is happening there today at ST BARNABAS CHURCH
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